Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Studying hard

In addition to the English and Sign Language Emma is learning, she decided to also devote some of her time to learning cat and dog. She is actually mastering the latter quite well. She hollars back at our neighbor dog, Heidi, when she is out in the yard. Their conversation is as follows:
Heidi: "Ruff"
Emma: "HiiEee"
Heidi: "Ruff, ruff"
Emma: "Ruff, ruff, ruff"
Emma has also just begun having conversations with Darby as well. This mornings conversation at 5:45 am went a little something like this:
Darby: (persistent) MEOW, MEOW, MEOW...etc
Emma: "KiTteeee, KiTteeee"
Darby: (persistent meowing continues from previous line)
Emma: "Maho, Maho, Maho"

Anyone interested in taking cat or dog language lessons from Emma--just text her at my cell number. Yep---she's figured out how to send texts already. Whomever received the picture text of Grampy is the recipient of Emma's first text. (Is there a spot in the baby book for that one?) :)

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