Saturday, June 29, 2013

Beating the heat with an ice cream treat!

It was HOT here today!  A little trip up to Mississippi for some salted Carmel and chocolate malt ice cream cones hit the spot!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sleeping Beauties

Napping in mom and dads room was a big hit!

Addie's 4 month Dr. Visit

Addie's 4 month well child visit...she's still growing like a weed.  Stats: weight 15 1/2 pounds, height 26 1/2 inches, head circumference 41.4 cm.  Most importantly though--she's a very happy (& thus healthy) baby!  She's keeping the rest of us smiling too--such a good role model for us all!  

Sunday, June 23, 2013

self portraits

I really dislike a lot of technology, but the digital camera is awesome!  Emma took 127 photos today...including these pretty cool self portraits!  She had a number of shots of library books, our garden, the front door, our windows, etc, etc.   The beauty of all this...this photography project kept her entertained for almost an hour, and I didn't have to pay $20 for all the film!

matchy, matchy

Emma coordinated the matching outfits for today.  Beautiful!

Master Gardener

The Dyreson ladies enjoyed a nice stroll in the rain on Sunday morning.  Emma has become a collector of sorts during our walks around the neighborhood.  This morning, she collected some fallen flower petals that caught her eye, added a few of her favorite flowers from our yard, and then created a lovely centerpiece for our table.  She has quite the eye for pretty things!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sleeping beauty

Addie snuggled up in her carseat for a nice afternoon nap outdoors, while Emma enjoyed a little backyard slip 'n' slide action!

Slippin' & Slidin'

Emma enjoying a little summer fun on the slip & slide!

Friday, June 21, 2013

bed bandits

This gives you an idea of how much room the girls leave us when they crawl into bed with us in the middle of the night.   At least THEY get some sleep!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Daddy!  We love you!!!  
(if you want to see how similar Emma and Addie look, check out the June 2008 blog post!)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Beauty shop

Addie is a very willing participant to whatever Emma suggests they play. Today: Beauty Shop!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Emotional education

We have been teaching Addie about different emotions and Emma was more than willing to put her drama skills to good use.  See if you can guess what emotion she was portraying!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Movie star

Let's play ball...

A little backyard ball with Daddy on a beautiful Friday night!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Standing pose

Emma has graduated to holding Addie while standing.  I'm not sure how much longer she will actually be able to do this though, since Addie is almost nearing half the size of Emma already!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Addie is all smiles watching Emma do her dance routines.   She is IN LOVE with her big sister.  This is the smile Addie flashes pretty much anytime Emma enters her field of vision.

Dancing Queen

I'm not quite sure who she inherited these dancing genes from...although jumping on the bed sure looks like fun!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Who knew a mildly deflated helium balloon could provide hours of entertainment.  No need for fancy toys for this little lady...she makes her own fun!

Angelic worm

Addie in her nighttime attire.  It seems super uncomfortable to be wrapped up so tightly, but she seems to enjoy her snug quarters.