Thursday, February 26, 2009

Play dates are fun!

Emma and Elias met up on Tuesday for some fun and games.  Emma really digs all of Elias's toys, and had no trouble making herself right at home (taking each and every toy out of the basket before deciding which one looked the tastiest).   Now that they are both mobile, lots of fun was also had crawling after each other.  Fun was had by the mom's too--sampling some of Gen's awesome baking!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday's with Emma

Emma is now in daycare 3 days a week, and gets to spend one day each week with Ken and I.  Emma and I got to spend this past Tuesday together (Ken and Emma's day is Friday).  Emma got some quality time chasing Darby around the house, and learned that it is just as fun to stack the wooden rings on the pole, as it is to pull them all off.  Emma has also been displaying some dramatic acting skills lately.  She is captured in this photo throwing herself on the floor, with some pretty convincing crying to accompany the display.  It's funny at home...not so funny when out in public!  

Sunday, February 15, 2009

During our time in the midwest over Christmas, our good friends Heather and Mike took some family photos.  We think they turned out absolutely great, and want to share the slideshow with everyone.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Some privacy please

Emma's first successful attempt on the potty chair.  We are trying to go diaper free ASAP!

Why walk when you can run...

Emma didn't hesitate a bit when we put a walker in front of her...she took off running.  Emma also took her first solo step on Superbowl Sunday.  She has taken a couple more steps, but as for now prefers the comfort of holding onto something for support.