Saturday, July 31, 2010

May I take your order please???

We had the pleasure of having Cash over to play for the evening. The kids' imagination went right to work in the sandbox, and they started cooking up a storm. Cash was preparing the main course...Macaroni and Cheese, and Emma was on pie. How American are these two!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Pretty in Pink

We attended our first "Movie in the Park" event for the year. Pretty in Pink was on the big screen, and to our surprise...Emma loved the movie as much as all the other 30 somethings in the crowd. When we asked her what her favorite part of the movie was, she replied..."the music". Now that's my girl!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Fashion Police...

have finally caught up with Emma. We have started to let Emma choose what she wears for the day. Sometimes she does real good, and sometimes, well...she gets busted.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Experienced traveler

We had another memorable airline experience on our way back to Portland. Thunderstorms in Denver led to a 5 hour delay in our flight home. Emma took advantage of that time by riding on all the moving sidewalks-several times, climbing under and over the chairs in the terminal--taking rest breaks in chairs next to complete strangers, and of course, pointing out all the "AIRPLANES" she just happened to keep seeing when she thought to look out the windows. She was ready for bed by the time we finally boarded our plane, and slept most of the way home. Mama and Daddy got the birds eye view of quite a few firework displays as we were landing in Portland too. In hindsight, it turned out to be a pretty neat experience.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Grammy and Grampy Time

Emma spent some quality time with Grammy and Grampy doing some of her favorite things...snuggling and swinging!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Playing with the boys

Emma had a blast playing with her cousins while in Wisconsin. Carter taught Emma the art of making big splashes in the pool, and Emma taught Tate the in's and out's of the Playskool mailbox.

Family photos

Both sides of the family just keep on growing!