Sunday, July 19, 2009

Card carrying member

Emma became an official Multnomah county library card holder today. We have been frequenting the library this summer, and joined the summer reading program they sponsor. For reading 15 minutes each day, Emma was able to pick out a couple of prizes and even earned her summer reading tee-shirt today. Today at the library, Emma picked out a few books, carried them over to one of the tables, climbed up on one of the chairs, and sat down to "read". she's wasn't really reading the books, or really even looking at them much, but rather she was intently watching the two elementary-age boys doing (as far as I could tell) math and spelling homework in Chinese. She seemed pretty interested in their every move, and they seemed pretty annoyed that a little girl decided to sit at their table and stare at them. Luckily, Emma's attention span only lasts about 5 minutes before she is on to something new (which in this case included tearing around the library pulling every Easter book she could lay her hands on, off the shelf).

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