Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sunday bike ride

We went for a lovely Sunday morning bike ride in the Columbia River Gorge. Emma had a leisurely ride in her bike stroller, reading books and eating snacks while taking in the scenery. Ken, on the other hand, got an extra workout toting Emma behind his bike. It was a good workout for me as well, but that's just because it was one of the first bike rides I have taken for the year.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer days

Hitting the park for a little late afternoon sliding. Loving these summer days!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers, your little monkey!

We helped Dad celebrate Father's Day today by taking him to the Glendoveer golf course to hit some balls on the driving range. Since that is not really "fun" for a 3 year old, Emma and I went for a walk around the golf course's trail. They had some really big trees, and Emma's inner monkey came out when she started scaling some of the trees. It appears we have a climber on our hands.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blue Lake Park

Emma enjoyed cooling off (although the clouds were more abundant than sun on this particular day) in the water spray area at Blue Lake Park. We had a lovely day, have a picnic in the park with our friends Gen and Elias too. Great fun!