Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blueberry pancakes

Emma and Carter helped Grammy whip up some yummy blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  We have some aspiring chefs on our hands!

Hide and seek at the Park

Emma and I had a rousing game of hide and seek at the park near Grammy and Grampys house. All the laughing and running was a good way to keep warm too! Emma also discovered how to balance the tire swing when she didn't have a friend with her (she experimented with me sitting on one side, but soon learned that didn't work so well!).

Playdough factory

The playdough factory station was a huge hit with all the kids this Christmas.

The healthy chefs

Carter and Emma mix up some yummy Kale chips at Grammy and Grampy's house.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Great Grandma and the kids

Great Grandma, Steve and Patty, Scott and Sonja and Logan came to Grammy and Grampys house to celebrate a belated Christmas with us. It was so nice to see everyone again.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Aunt Deirdre has Carter, Tate and Emma entranced by her storytelling!

Santa delivers

Emma dictated a letter to Santa this year...
Dear Santa Claus,
I give you some stickers. I hope you give me a Lightening McQueen for Christmas. I hope you give me a lot of presents. I hope you have a good Christmas. And I hope you get cold because if you wear a Santa coat and and a Santa hap you will get cold and you will shiver. We will build a snowman. May you get me some arms and a hat and a nose and a face like that one and a scarf. I love you dear Santa. I hope you have a good Christmas. Love, Santa and Emma

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Children's Gym

Emma started taking some gymnastics classes this month. She (and an old friend from her school, John) made their way around the balance beam. They got pretty good at it...and were even hopping across it by the end of class.