Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cash, being 3 weeks older than Emma, was showing her his new trick of sticking his entire fist in his mouth. Emma was quite intrigued, and is looking forward to growing up and being able to do such tricks as well. She was taking mental notes on his technique in this photo (thanks for the great shot Shelly and Todd!). Cash and Emma had another date night yesterday, this time at Cash's pad, with supervision being provided by Cash's mom and pop. Ken and I were able to go out and enjoy a class on wine. We are now able to decipher wine produced in the US vs the old country, and whether it is one of the aromatic varieties or not....or at least we should be able to do this.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Date night, Emma and Cash

Ah, they grow up so fast.  Emma spent a chaperoned evening with Mr. Cash this past thursday.   The two had a lovely evening spitting up, eating and napping.  We loved having Cash over, but maybe Cash felt a little uneasy being in a new setting without his folks.  Emma consoled him though and was even generous enough to share her toys.  All in all, the kids had a great time and all screaming was kept to a minimum.  Now that's all you can really hope for on any date.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

posting comments

hey all!

to all those of you who have been having problems trying to post comments, I finally found where I can set it so you don't have to have an account or register or whatever they make you do to post. So in short, if you've been having problems trying to post, try again now and let me know if it works for you!

also, we have a couple of albums available for browsing and dowloading photos from at picasa-

take care and we hope to hear from you all soon

First trip to the Oregon Coast

With the hot weather we had this past weekend, Emma, aunt Stacy and I decided to take a trip out to the coast. Emma enjoyed the coast, or at least when she was bundled up in the sling. I needed to get a few photos though, so she humored me for a few minutes in the sand. Emma had to strip down when we got back to Portland, as it was HOT...90 degrees. She was pretty tuckered out after her big day to the coast.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Emma has been trying to get more "tummy time" in each day. She is happy in this photo, but don't let that fool anyone...she is not a fan of tummy time. We've found that she does much better at lifting up her head when she is sitting on mom or dad though.

The second photo is Emma sleeping off her 2 month shots. She did great...a couple of minutes of crying, and then off to sleep she went. She is growing well. Up to 11# and 24 1/4 inches. She has grown over 4 inches since birth! I, on the other hand feel as though I have shrunk 4 inches since she was born. I think it is about time to start doing Yoga again.

Mama D

Monday, May 5, 2008

Two months....where does the time go

Here are some new photos of Emma around 7 weeks old (she is 8 weeks as of yesterday). She likes chillin' out in her new play gym, playing with her bunnies, and modeling her new jeans. She and mama went on their first shopping trip this week, and it turned out to be quite she now has some pants to wear with all the cool shirts and onesies that she has received. Dad and Emma also mastered the how-to's of sitting up in the sling. Mom and Emma...not so successful at that one yet, but we'll keep trying. Emma proudly sports her "My Dad is a Geek" tee shirt.

I am doing better each day myself. I am finally starting to see some real progress in my recovery, and can see a light at the end of this tunnel. I now have most of the movement back in my left leg, and should hopefully be able to start working on building back my muscle strength soon. The sensation in my legs should return by about 1 year, or so I'm told by the neurologist. I'm hoping for a little quicker return though!