Sunday, March 29, 2009

Biking 101

It's getting to be that time of year again...the weather is getting warmer, it's not raining as much (hopefully!), and it's not dark outside when going to and from work.  All that adds up to bike commuting time again.  Emma tried out her new bike helmet, and seemed to enjoy the ride more or less (fell asleep on the ride to daycare).  Ken, on the other hand, got a little work-out toting Emma behind him.  

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our little Oregonian

Emma and I walked to the park this afternoon, and in true Oregon style, it started raining by the time we got there.  Emma didn't seem to be bothered by the rain however, and actually started crying when I put her back in the stroller to come home when it started raining harder. She is a true Oregonian!

Baby brainwashing???

I have been trying to cut Emma's nails for the last couple of weeks,  but it is getting more and more difficult the stronger she gets.  I decided to turn on a children's music DVD today, and she was completely mesmerized by the TV that she allowed the nail cutting torture to take place.  It has me a little concerned that Baby Einstein may be brainwashing children somehow with those catchy tunes!  I guess I'll worry about that later current goal is to just prevent further facial lacerations from her long nails. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stand back or I will shoot...

food at you!  Emma has learned how to multi-task at the dinner table.  She doesn't really bother picking up food one at a time anymore---not efficient enough.  She just tips the plate up, and catches as much food as she can in her mouth.  She hasn't actually shot any food at us yet, but I don't think that milestone is too far off. She has a look of determination in her eyes.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Steady, Steady...

Emma has been practicing standing up unassisted (i.e. not pulling herself up on furniture to stand).  She is caught her trying to steady herself without falling on her bum.  No success with this yet, but she finds her attempts are pretty darn funny.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Just another day at the beach

Ken needed to go to Lincoln City today for a job site meeting, so Emma and I decided to tag along.  It was a typical windy, cool day at the beach, but Emma loved every minute of it (okay almost every minute---no baby is happy all the time, right?)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fun times with Grammy and Grampy

Emma got to spend a few days with her Grammy and Grampy D this past weekend.  We all appreciated all their help around the house and I am sure they were anxious to get back to sunny florida and away from the cold rainy weather we impressed them with here.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bye Bye year one!

Emma celebrated an end to year one with lots of friends, balloons, and of course her first taste of birthday cake.  She was a little hesitant with the cake at first, but after she fed mama a bite,  she realized it was okay to dig in.   Elias, Cash, and Emma (and Gen and Todd too) were gracious enough to pose for a group photo to help document the big day.