Monday, April 29, 2013

Proud sisters

I'm not sure who is the happier sister in these photos.  They just love hanging out together.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that this will last!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stripy girls

Matching outfits!  Well, not quite...but as close as we're likely to get!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Parking it!

One final hurrah at the park before Isabel and Aunt Stacy had to go back to MN.  We'll miss them dearly, but look forward to seeing them again this summer!

Monday, April 22, 2013

girls on the go...

More fun was had riding the bike and skateboard up and down the block.  Isabel even took Emma's bike for a spin today, while Emma and I ran along side!  Emma gave Isabel lots of encouragement along the was pretty cute!

Isabel and Adeline

Isabel did a fabulous job holding her new cousin.  I'm signing her up for some babysitting when we visit MN this summer.  However, Isabel wasn't so sure she wanted to take that job!

Sidewalk warriors

Emma and Isabel were tearing up the sidewalk in front of our house.  Then Emma decided it would be fun to "drive" the car instead.  Isabel made the smart move of keeping her helmet on...just in case!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cousinly Love

Addie was soaking in the love from her cousin Isabel and big sister, Emma!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Welcome Aunt Stacy and Isabel

We were super excited to have Aunt Stacy and Isabel visit us.  Addie looks a little indifferent here...but she flashed them several smiles during their visit!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Emma's flower photo shoot

Emma likes to take a lot of photos, and I'm very thankful for digital technology.  She picked some tulips from our backyard, and then took these photos.  We were impressed!

Let's get physical!

Emma was having fun dressing up Addie.  Addie seemed okay with this process, however, I don't know if this will continue for too much longer.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Gardening

We had some nice weather, so we decided to get some of our seeds planted.  Kale, Beets, and Beans are in and ready for some sun!  Emma got into farmer mode, and scattered some treats for the chickens too.  Addie wasn't super excited about the activity, but did enjoy a nice nap in her carrier while getting a little fresh air!

Sister play time

Seeing that Addie isn't quite ready to partake in Emma's favorite activity of doing gymnastics off the couch, or racing back and forth across the living/dining room--Emma joined Addie in one of her favorite activities--spending time trying to catch the animals floating above her head on her playmat!  Both girls seemed to enjoy their together time!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Faces of Addie

Addie has learned to enjoy her swing time.  She has decided this is her preferred place to take a nap too.  She makes smile faces even in her sleep...happy girl!  Emma also got her set up in the boppy during some play time.  I'm a little overwhelmed looking at all the toys to choose from, so we may need to simplify with one toy at a time in the future!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Neck pillow

Emma was quite excited when she found the "neck pillow".  She said she is going to take this on her next plane trip.  We may need to get her a bigger back pack...and a bigger neck!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Gazing at Sofie

Tummy time is a little more interesting when Sofie the giraffe is close by!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Successful baby-wearing

After struggling to try to figure out how to use the baby carrying devices...I decided to take a class on it.  Here is our first successful use with the Ergo.  Adeline usually is quite content when in the carrier, and it helps free up my hands for a few minutes too!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Emma and Addie

This is the preferred seat for Emma to hold Addie, thus we have several pictures of the two in the giant brown chair!  Addie is about 6 1/2 weeks old in this pic.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tummy Time

Addie "enjoying" some tummy time.  So far, she prefers her tummy time be on the tummy of mama or daddy.