Saturday, August 28, 2010

Screaming kiddos

These three were so excited to see each other at the park, they just couldn't contain themselves, and had to give a little (high-pitched) shout out to one another. We (the parental counterparts to these high energy 2 year olds) were just happy all this shrieking was finally happening in an appropriate venue, and not at the dinner table!

Movie in the park--take 2

We had so much fun at our first movie in the park earlier in the summer, that we decided to try another one. This time we invited friends to join us. Elias and Emma had a grand time jumping about in the bouncy house before the movie got started. The kids worked up an appetite bouncing around, so they were ready for some popcorn with the 'rents when they were through.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Backyard ball!

Emma's running to get in position to take her turn at bat. I think she decided this was not nearly as much fun as Daddy batting the ball to Darby who was playing outfield though (i.e. sitting on the back porch).

The first egg!

Our gals have finally started laying eggs. We decided to take a photo of this monumental occasion--the egg kind of blends in with the bedding, but look in the bottom left corner to check out the first egg! Thank you Bucky!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mount Big One--

As Emma has so appropriately decided to call Mt. Hood. We enjoyed the spectacular views of Mt Hood during our hike around Trillium Lake. We are so grateful that our dear friends John and Angela (and Marty too!) invited us along for the trip--we had a marvelous time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Camping trip 2010

We headed up to Mt Hood for our first, non-backyard camping trip with Emma. We did not pack light for the overnight trip, and we cannot even blame Emma for our car looked similarly packed when it was just Ken and I. Emma was a fan of the campfire, and stayed up with us adults until the wee hours of the night so as not to miss one minute of it!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I just like this picture because she looks like she is dreaming as she is spinning around on the merry-go-round.