Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kitty/Kiddo play date

Playing with Darby is lots of fun.  Now that Emma is more mobile, she likes to chase Darby around the house.  She also learned how to get Darby to dance by swinging one of her cat toys in front of her.  I'm not sure if Emma or Darby enjoyed this more.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bath time dropsies

Rubber duckie and Emma have become acquainted, and bath time has never been more fun. Emma has developed a case of the dropsies lately, and has taken this game to the bathtub. She likes to throw duckie over board, and then crawl out of the tub to see where it has gone. Bathtime has thus become another addition to mommy and daddy's daily workout. Thanks for keeping us fit Emma!

Is that loud enough mommy?

Emma is crawling about more and more, and getting faster and faster. She seems to have a magnetic pull to the stereo, and likes to try out all the buttons, including the volume dial.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Snowball Returns

I had a dog growing up named Snowball, and he looked a little something like Emma in these photos. We took the Burley for a spin this past weekend, and it turns out this is going to come in handy this winter. We can continue to take Emma for walks in the rain, and thanks to the handy little rain flap...she stays dry. Since it was a little cooler, we decided to try out her winter jacket too (break it in for the really cold weather we will encounter in the midwest this winter). She was a little frustrated by the constraints her puffy jacket placed on her new found mobility. She couldn't even figure out how to bend her arm to get her thumb in her mouth...Not good!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Balloons = Fun!

Emma turns 8 months old this weekend, and she is getting into everything now. She has mastered crawling and pulling herself up. She is swallowing food now, rather than just smearing it all over her face. She waves hello and goodbye (AND interjects the random wave into conversation to liven things up). She also is saying Mamamamamamama, and Dadadadadadadadadada. Not sure that she really knows that those things have meaning yet...but she's definitely learning. She is flashing her two bottom teeth more now too...but doesn't show off those two top teeth that are poking through just yet.
We went to Trader Joes this weekend, and Emma got her first balloon. Balloons definitely equal fun in Emma's book. Hours of entertainment were had!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

happy halloween!

Emma was our 80's dancing queen for her first halloween. She lived it up as much a seven month old can! After partying that hard all night, we were all crashed pretty hard. The real treat was emma let us all sleep all night to boot! Thanks Dancing Queen!