Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Elias

Rounding out birthday party season...we have Elias turning 2. Emma was more than happy to assist Elias in opening his card, and turning Elias's house into party central!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Birthday bash at indoor park

So we just learned of this magical place called indoor park (think monster size toy cars and a trampoline...and most anything else you don't have room for in your own house, but that kids love to play with). Cash and Emma checked out one such park on Friday, and then her friend Isaac celebrated his 2nd birthday party at one today. We love indoor parks, especially during rainy season! Here we have Emma pictured with some of her friends from daycare...Isaac, Peter, Sadie, Toshi, and John.

Easter egg hunt training

What better way to get the kids ready for an easter egg hunt (and get some yard work done at the same time), than to give them a bucket to collect all the fallen pine cones in our backyard. Emma found a way to increase her loot... by sweet talking her fellow "competitors" until they handed over their buckets of pine cones. I'm impressed with her ability to strategize...but a little concerned she may be sneaking in some reality TV after we go to bed at night.

Zoo date part II

A game of chase, chase, giggle anyone?

Zoo Date

Nothing beats a lunch date at the zoo. Here Emma and Elias are sharing some fine toddler cuisine (almond butter sandwiches and apple slices), while they kick the wagon sitting in front of them. I have to admit that having lunch with these two, and hearing giggles between each bite, was quite enjoyable for me as well.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ice pack

Emma is a little obsessed with her "owies" lately. She found a small pinpoint spot on her ankle tonight, and immediately ran for the freezer yelling for her "ice pack". She carefully bypassed the frozen green beans for the frozen corn.
I also wanted to showcase Emma's new found independence with dressing. Apparently off the shoulder jammies are where it's at these days.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Helping is fun!

Emma was enjoying a little of the Portland sunshine this morning by helping mommy and daddy plant the parking strip. She was a very good helper.

Friday, March 19, 2010


The 3 newest members of the Dyreson chicks! Names are yet to be determined.

Faster Elias, Faster...

Emma and Elias went for a spin in the wagon. Elias, being the little gentleman that he is, wanted to pull his gal around. Emma is thrilled, but I think Elias realized he got the raw end of this deal.

The dance troupe it just me or do all the girls in Emma's dance class look like Ally Sheedy in the breakfast club? Cash is keeping his cool surrounded by all the pretty girls, impressing them by his flexibility!

My new bed

Emma is loving her new bed...and so are mommy and daddy. After many a night of trying to ease Emma into bed after stories, or trying to soothe her back to sleep in the middle of the night (without much success), we decided it was time to try a new bed. Though it has not been the complete miracle we were hoping for, it certainly is easier to lay next to her for stories, than it is to try to get up off the pillows on her floor after story time.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My new ride

Emma cruised down to the park in her new ride today...her wagon! I'm not sure what she enjoyed most...running up the slide, swinging on the tire swing, or just the ride to the park. Mommy's favorite part of this day was when she went to bed relatively easy, after all the running around she did.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Best buds!

Emma looks forward to every Friday when she gets to spend some time hangin' with her two best buds...Elias and Cash. Here Elias and Emma are chasing each other around the house (I think Emma may have been trying to catch Elias to give him a hug--or what others may call Tackling). Emma and Cash are hugging here...but I am having flashforwards to their junior high school dances, after seeing this photo.

Dancing with the Stars...Toddler style

The title would make much more sense if my video of the kids hopping across a row of stars on the floor would have uploaded. Emma and Cash are enjoying a little culture by attending Ms. Ericka's dance class on Friday mornings. The kids enjoy some time running around the room (aka dancing), checking themselves out in all the mirrors, and climbing up on the chairs for a quick breather.

Call TacyBell

2 year olds can be quite demanding, especially when they want to skype with their cousin and aunt. Emma will frequently tell me to "call TacyBell" aunt Stacy and cousin Isabel are affectionately named. Emma has lots of skyping buddies now...both grandparents and Nathan, Shannon and Haley are all on Emma's speed dial.

What up potty peeps

Emma has agreed to sit on the potty again, after a short potty strike. One of her favorite things to do while on the potty is watch her buddy Cash play his guitar and sing a song (via the CashMonkey blog---although I'm sure Emma would welcome a visit from Cash each time she needed to use the little girls room). She also enjoys "reading" her basket of books and then throwing them on the floor. She makes quite the obstacle course for herself--and me--to the sink to wash her hands.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Party Time

Emma had a grand time at her birthday party. She was thrilled that her best buds, Elias and Cash, could join her to celebrate again this year. The kids had a great time running around the house and playing together.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Big girl park play

Emma is expanding her repertoire of play things at the park. She is still VERY fond of the swings and slide, but also discovered that standing and bouncing on this play structure was cool too.