Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hike at Latourell Falls

We had some nice weather today, so decided to head out to the gorge and go for a hike.  I do believe this is Emma's first solo hike--meaning she hiked herself, rather than having us carry her.  This hike was a couple of miles, and we were treated with views of two waterfalls.   We would definitely do this one again!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Two little monkeys sitting on a lion

Emma and Elias enjoying an outing to the zoo!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mastering the fall

Emma has been practicing riding her bike in the evenings and on the weekends, and is getting pretty good at pedaling and balancing on her bike.  We are still working on getting up and going on her own, as well as stopping.  We decided it might be good to teach her how to steer into the grass and take a graceful fall in case she needed to stop, and couldn't.  I think she gets her grace from me!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Artists

Emma and Cash perfected the art of coloring easter eggs.  They got pretty creative with some double dipping, as well as decorating with stickers too.  They tasted just as good as they looked!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Claws sitting

Emma's preschool has a guinea pig named Claws as their class pet.  Emma has been wanting to have Claws stay at her house for quite sometime, and we finally agreed to take Claws home with us for the weekend.  We were a little afraid that Darby would not approve, but were pleasantly surprised when the two of them seemed more curious of each other than afraid.  Claws was a very good houseguest, and we all enjoyed having him stay with us....especially Emma!