Saturday, May 30, 2009

My summer duds

Emma has been running around the house in her skivvies lately.  Granted it has been pretty hot...but she seems to REALLY enjoy her "diaper time" and her "diaper-free time".  

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have found yet another way to keep Emma entertained in the kitchen.  Apparently the drawer of spices needed some reorganizing, and Emma was just the girl for the job.  She took nearly all the spices out of the drawer, inspected them, and returned them to their place.  She was pretty thorough, so the process took a good 20 minutes--just enough time to cook dinner!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

More bubbles please

Summertime equals bubble time to our little Emma.  She enjoys the bubbles daddy is blowing for her...but her true love seems to be sucking on the bubble bottle.  

Mom...we have rhubarb coming up back here!

Emma has been venturing out in the backyard lately.  I think she is as excited as her mama about the growing rhubarb.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

At the zoo

We spent mother's day at the zoo this year.   Emma was a little hesitant to get too close to the goats at first, but did pet her new furry friend by the end of the visit.  I foresee many zoo visits this summer.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Alternative transportation

Now that Emma has "mastered" this whole walking thing...she has decided to try alternative transportation methods.  She climbs into her cart, and rocks back and forth to move.  She doesn't move anywhere too fast (thank goodness), but she can make her way across the room with a cart full of toys.  She's a resourceful gal!