Saturday, April 30, 2011

At the Zoo

It was a nice day, so we decided to take a quick trip to the zoo. Emma got to pet the goats, and we also enjoyed quite the show by one of the polar bears playing in the water.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Emma channeled her inner bunny today, and hopped her way around the house, hunting down all the easter eggs the Easter Bunny had left for her.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who's the Bunny (and the super happy guy in the back)

Thanks for the bunny ears Grandma! They fit just right.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Circus! Circus!

Emma's first circus! We read a book about the circus this morning, and then had tickets to go see a real circus this afternoon. I think Emma was a little disappointed with the first half (probably quite sleepy too, as it was during her usual nap time), as she kept asking where all the animals were. Well, after intermission, we were entertained by dogs, pony's and elephants. Emma even got to ride one of the elephants after the show. I think this was the highlight for her, and she was so proud of herself for riding the elephant all by herself. And we were proud of her too...she gave her ticket to the big man all by herself, and let him put her up on the elephant, and best of all, there were NO TEARS. This is a big improvement for our shy little girl. The clowns were a whole other story though-she was not going near them, and hid her face behind her hands when we would get too close to one. Baby steps!