Friday, August 30, 2013

Pre-otter to be

Emma took her first swim lessons, and did GREAT! Every night for two weeks was a bit brutal, but she made so much progress in her swimming confidence.  She learned the front glide and back float.    We're so proud of her!

End of summer picnic

Emma enjoyed a little play time in the park with some old Wee Care friends.  Addie enjoyed her time at the park as well.


Polly came over for a play date, and Addie is finally old enough to notice that she has a friend to play with.  Okay, maybe not play "with"...but certainly play beside each other.  Addie was also admiring Polly's mobility skills, and I'm thinking she wants to follow suit very soon!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Voodoo donuts

A little mid-vacation-week treat!  

Big sister duties

Emma loving all her opportunities to nurture her little sister.  

Fun with food

Eating baby=Messy baby=Cute baby!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Berry picking

Emma and I went on our very own field trip during our two week staycation from work and school.  We headed out to Sauvie Island for some blackberries.  Then we made some homemade jam when we got home.  Yum!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Spaghetti sauce in the making

One of our favorite times of the year...when we get to the fill the house with the smell of homemade spaghetti sauce.  We had a nice crop of tomatoes from our garden this year.

Oaks park adventures

Seamus and Emma enjoying some adventures at Oaks Park!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Huckleberry picking 2013

It was good picking this year.  Lots of berries, lots of sun, and lots of motivated pickers!  We came away with a gallon plus this year.  Our biggest loot yet!

Happy 1/2 birthday Addie

Celebrating at home with a sand candle made by big sis, Emma!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Cali friends....

Our good friends came back up to Portland for a visit....Addie and Emma both enjoyed a little loving from John and Angela (and Marty too)!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Plums get the stamp of approval

Yum, yum give me more plum!  Addie's first food, unless of course you count the red onion ring she started chewing on while we were on vacation last month!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Art file clean up

Emma, being the aspiring artist that she is, has accumulated many, MANY drawings/paintings/collages, etc during her five years at Wee Care.  We decided to make room for the art that is sure to come in the coming years.  Emma paired down her collection to about 1/3.  It was fun to see some of her art from when she was 2 and 3 years old during this activity.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Super Readers

Both girls earned their summer reading tee-shirts this past week.  They were super excited to wear matching outfits for Emma's first day at her new daycare.  All went well on the first day, aside from Emma reporting that she ate her yogurt with her fingers (because I forgot to pack her a spoon--bad mommy!)  She made some friends, and even met a couple of people who will be starting kindergarten with her next month.  She's excited to go back thats success in my book!

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Addie likes to stretch out when she has the extra space in our bed...leaving Ken and I with a few inches each.  Good thing we like to snuggle with her!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sweet potato soup

Emma created her first recipe tonite.  Yesterday, she had some fun making some vegetable stock from the scraps left over from making lunch--who knew she would enjoy that so much!  Well today, she wanted to make something with her stock, and viola...her sweet potato/corn soup was born.  Despite my less than appetizing photos, it tasted really good.  Best part...Emma ate two bowls!  Yay! She ate some veggies today.  

Addie's seat at the table

She's loving her new height at the table...moving up from meal time in the bouncy chair.  Emma doesn't  seem to mind "fetching" Addie's toys from the ground during meals, and actually appears to like playing dropsy as much as Addie does.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Emma and Daddy were killing it with Addie tonite!  She has a way to make us feel like we are REALLY funny!  :)