Tuesday, July 7, 2009

School Girl

Emma graduated to her new classroom at daycare this week. Today is her second day as a Bunny! She has been learning so much lately, and her vocabulary seems to be exploding. Lets see...for example, last night at dinner she was eating her spinach and artichoke nuggets and saying "Mmmm" with every bite. I tried to sneak in a piece of watermelon to which she responded, "Booo", and threw it back at me. All that learning during the day makes for one sleepy girl at night too (No--still not sleeping the entire night...but not getting up every couple of hours at least), and when I was putting her back to bed at 1am this morning, she was laying limp in my arms, but mustered up enough strength for a weak "bah-bye" (this is what she currently says when saying good night). It was pretty cute.

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