Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday America!!!

We've got a 4th of July fan on our hands!  Emma thoroughly enjoyed the fireworks display...And as you can see by the picture, our display contained the legal (lame) fireworks only.   That being said, our neighbors on the next block down had some of the illegal variety, which were way cooler!  Emma was running up and down the block in awe of any pop of color she could set her gaze on.  "It's like watching a movie in the sky!"  It was pretty entertaining watching our sweet girl get so excited!  She didn't want the show to end, so we watched some more fireworks displays on TV too.  She finally fell asleep in my arms around 11pm.  (PS...note the hot tea everyone is drinking during our fireworks show...quite the change from the near 100 degree weather we were having a few days prior!)

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