Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dear Miss Manners....HELP!

Ken and I continue to learn as we go in the parenting department. This weeks lesssons--Spaghetti is messy and Emma still has a few things to learn from Miss Manners. I thought it was pretty cute when she tried stowing away some of her dinner in her bib sleeve, and even when she started devouring the meal by eating fistfuls at a time (hence the pictures). However--things started getting a little out of hand when the fistfuls of spaghetti stopped going towards her mouth, and started going straight on the floor (not so cute...and not so many pictures of that part of the meal)!

1 comment:

Cash's Pop said...

Yeah, we should have warned you about the spaghetti blues ... "but it's more FUN to throw it on the floor!"